
1 year anniversary of PUP FEAST!

Had a blast!
Super happy! ^_________^
And up until now, I had a hangover. I can't get over it.
I super enjoyed the event!
1 year anniversary of PUP Campus Feast! The first Feast campus mission.

And in the event, I am one of the dancers that even though I do not perfectly know the steps, I just go for it and dance in front of them. Only in the chorus of the song I can dance well. Haha! But even though I can't remember all the steps, I am super HAPPY and I super ENJOY dancing! :) Why? Cause I'm happy serving God! It's an honor to serve Him!

And thank you to all the dancers of dance ministry who guide me in dancing, especially to Ate Rox. She is a great dancer indeed. And also to Jessy, Mariah, James, Camille and Joel (the currently president of PUP Campus Feast). Amazed. They do their best in dancing. And in that, you will go with it too! Really! Haha. And to all the servants who attended, thank you very much!

And I just want to share, Kath, my classmate, she attended! She's from Malabon and we do not have a class today so I just want to acknowledge, thank you Lady Kathrine Rose Falcunit Bulabos! :)

And Brother Jonathan, the founder of PUP Campus Feast, today's speaker, thank you cause I learned a lot to you! I really thank you for this day. And Daddy Obet Cabrillas also attended! Thank you! Super Happy! :)))))))

It's really an honor and really great serving God and to be with people who also serve Him, God fearing and acknowledge God as their savior!

There is no one like You
You alone are great
We give You all the glory
We give You all the praise
-Your love by PlanetShakers

One of the songs we dance. Just have a Last Songs Syndrome. :) I like it. Try to listen too. ^____^

Guys and gals, just wanna share, for me, Feast manila is the happiest place in this world!
So if you want to attend, here is the information.

Every friday.
Cinema 4.
1st session 4:00-7:00pm
2nd session 7:00-10pm.

GOD bless us all! ^_____^


Wanted MSP in PUP!

It's a very very very long time since I last updated this blog.
And actually, I am starting again this blog because of the last event happened this day.

MSP or Microsoft Student Partners we're looking for a student/s that can be a bridge to the current technology provided by Microsoft.

Yeah! Actually this searching for future MSP, we've known this for about a month but we didn't try. We're too scared, and don't have that confidence to just even try. But we're dreaming to be one.

And this day,  me and Kathy, my classmate who's very very close to me, invited some of our classmates to join or just try to be part of MSP.

It was difficult to invite my classmates. Their asking for explanation. What is MSP, what is MSP for, and etc.?  We tried our best to convince them and in the end, Zion, Aaron, Gil, Patrick, Ian, Kath and me, decided to try. Though we're few, I was contented 'cause I have that convincing power. haha! So we're 7 students from our section. Atleast. So we printed our resume, one of the req'ts. Our resume were not that updated, most resume are last updated when we look for an OJT that's why the objectives of our resume is for on the job training. Hahaha.

And this is it, the interview session. MSP students were the interviewer.  One by one and per interview, it last for about 10-20minutes! Long interview session! Haha. That's why when I am near to be next, I felt I want to turn back, I got panicked, I felt that I just want to go home, but, time comes and I am the interviewee. I'm second to the last who entered room S413(the interview session held) for interview. At first, I was so very very nervous, but in latter part, I got confident in the questions Sir Donn, the interviewer and msp in pup, asked me. It was just like chatting to him and sharing some experiences and advertising. Haha. I got closed to him immediately. Haha!

It's just cool, amazing to be with people who just love technologies and in the IT industry.And for the future results, goodluck, at least we try. I won't regret, and my mind won't bother and ask the questions "What if?". I did my best. If ever I did not pass, at least I have the experienced. And if one of my classmates will pass, I will be happy. :D And I will say to them, be thankful I forced you to try! HAHA. Kidding. :P What will I say to them, "see, you have the guts!" Congrats! And I know one of my classmates will pass, Aaron, Ian, Gil, Pat, Zion, Kath and me was there! haha! We have the guts! Good luck and GOD bless!
We will know the result by Wednesday, sir Donn will e-mail the result.
Thy will be done GOD! :)

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