This is my last year in college that's why I want to savor every moment and share it on this blog. J
This college week, I found myself a very sporty type girl xD
But actually I remember, during my elementary days, I was very active in extra curricular activities, as in! JI joined our swimming team, track and field, and embroidery (well, this proved that I was still a girl xD). And now, I just miss joining in this kind of activities.
This college week, I joined volleyball team in our section. To be honest, I don’t know how to play volleyball, it’s my first time. But I was determined and still go for it. My classmates that serve as my team mates help me to know this game. That’s why I learned and thanks to them. J
Though I can say I am not perfect on this game, I know that I do my best and in that time while playing I learned 2 things.
First, I learned that if you’re a team, you must support each other. Being a team player is important. If you’re a team, one’s weakness is the weakness of everybody so you should help one another in order to succeed. You should cover one’s weakness on one’s strength. Because you’re team success depends on each member. Helping one another, unity, cooperation and participation are the key to success.
Second, being on a team you should value your importance. You are on that position that’s why you are also responsible in the team’s success or failure. And in the first place, they chose you, meaning, they trust you, so you must also trust yourself and you deserve on where you are, so give it your best shot!
I got very dark skin (maitim), because the time of our games were around 11am, 2pm, or 4pm so the sun really shines so bright xD. And my parents, brothers and friends questioned me why I join that game? Because they said that it just made me negra and my graduation day is approaching.
Well, it just hits me because I will have my graduation picture – and I’m negra. How sad.
But reflecting on what happened I don’t regret being a volleyball player instead I am thankful because it gives me important things in life. It gives me experience, more friends, happiness and self confidence. And even it was just a small event, I can say I participated and contributed to team’s success and failure.
I do something for the team.
And in that, congratulations to us! 4th place, not bad. :D
I know we do our best so for me, we’re the best!
Just remember, in everything you do, always give your best and ask for the guidance of the Lord.
Here are some pictures during our college week:
(credits to the pictures from : Denz, Sheng, Ian and Meynard)
Kudos! Thank you!