
PUP Download Festival Experience

It's my first time attending this event!

And it was a B-L-A-S-T!

Being an IT person, I need to be updated with the latest technology.
And yeah, thanks to this event, I learned a lot of things in the IT industry!

And the 2 things that got my attention in the seminar are 
Windows 8 Developer's preview and
Cloud Computing.

Here are some pictures of me and my classmates in the event..

Thanks to all the speakers and sponsors that made this event possible!


CARITAS Livelihood Program – Entrepreneurship

Yes, I’m a scholar at CARITAS Manila.

To those who don’t know, CARITAS Manila is a religious group or organization that helps people somehow in their basic needs. But it is really a BIG help. And for a student like me, CARITAS Manila helped by giving monthly allowances plus miscellaneous fee.

And what I’m going to share is today’s Livelihood Program – Entrepreneurship by CARITAS Manila.
It was really a super simple yet striking discussion. It was discussed by Tita Daisy and Ate Emma.

The main focus of the discussion is Holiness in Work (Kabanalan sa Paggawa)

There are 2 types of Work
1. Free Service
- A voluntary act. Free of service.
2. Livelihood/Work for Living
Meaning it is not for free of service anymore, there’s corresponding fee in anything that you do.

The discussion also includes the small business work. It says there that even though we’re still a student we can start a business on our own. In seminar, here are guidelines in starting a business:

1. Planning Before doing so, you must plan what business you will start. Best is what business that is close to your heart, it can be your hobby, or what you want to do regularly. And one thing more, also consider in your business if it will also help others.

2. Right Place Consider where there are lot of customers passes by, and where you can get your materials easily.

3. Costing You should price your products at the right price.

4. Customer ServiceYou should dwell well at people. You should know how to accompany your customers.

And that’s what I learned for today. Thanks CARITAS Manila! Thanks Tita Daisy and Tita Emma. GOD bless!


A Gift for Our Daddy

It's Daddy O's birthday! On Nov. 17.
And because it's KCon on Nov. 18, 19, 20, we can't celebrate it on next Friday on Feast Manila (Nov. 18) that's why the celebration was today - 11.11.11.

Yes. I made it. And it's AktiFEASTas (including me) gift for him.
Behind that picture was our own dedication for him.

And here is my dedication that has been unsaid. 
"Actually while I'm doing this photo mosaic of yours, I had a big smile on my face. Because this is my chance to give you something even a small thing and also my chance to give you a personal message.
I wish you a happy happy happy birthday Daddy O!
Thank you for everything!
For being our Daddy!
I love you Daddy!
Hugs! :) "

Daddy Obet Cabrillas is our,

We thank God for having a Daddy like him. Thank God for giving us a blessing!

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