
A Gift for Our Daddy

It's Daddy O's birthday! On Nov. 17.
And because it's KCon on Nov. 18, 19, 20, we can't celebrate it on next Friday on Feast Manila (Nov. 18) that's why the celebration was today - 11.11.11.

Yes. I made it. And it's AktiFEASTas (including me) gift for him.
Behind that picture was our own dedication for him.

And here is my dedication that has been unsaid. 
"Actually while I'm doing this photo mosaic of yours, I had a big smile on my face. Because this is my chance to give you something even a small thing and also my chance to give you a personal message.
I wish you a happy happy happy birthday Daddy O!
Thank you for everything!
For being our Daddy!
I love you Daddy!
Hugs! :) "

Daddy Obet Cabrillas is our,

We thank God for having a Daddy like him. Thank God for giving us a blessing!

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