But that’s okay.
You’ve heard me say this a lot of times before, because it’s my core belief:
In every problem, there’s a blessing.God Feels Your Pain More Than You Do.
In every trial, there’s a treasure.
Jesus said,
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
One day, when my nephew Marco was a small boy, he had a freak fall. He suffered a deep gash on his head. His father, Abel, held his son as the doctor was stitching the gaping wound.
Naturally, the small boy was crying and struggling. But his father couldn’t do anything but hold him firmly. Little Marco couldn’t understand why his Daddy was allowing this doctor to hurt him. So in agony, he screamed, “I hate you, Dad! I hate you!”
The words stung his father’s heart. But with tears, Abel kept embracing his son and said, “This will only be for a minute. Trust me!”If you are grieving right now, understand that God is grieving with you. He feels your pain – much more than you feel yours.
You won’t read this in any theology book, but this is my theory:
That God feels your pain a zillion times more.- Bo Sanchez
Because He loves you a zillion times more than you love yourself. That’s why.
I just want to share this. :)) It’s from Feast Manila Bulletin. :)
So If you want to attend, the schedule was
Every Friday. 1st session 4:00 to 7:00pm
2nd session 7:00 to 10pm
@ SM Manila, Cinema 4.
We’re in talk two already!
Find Treasure in your Trials.
Be Hopeful.
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