
Reminiscing my year 2011

(dunno if it was Jan. 5) Welcoming 2010. Go out with JJJK – Jem, Jeff, Jerone, Kurt
(9) Had my own album of Taylor Swift. Love it.
(24) Birthday celebration of Kath’s birthday @SM Manila w/ Jeff, Jerone, Graciel, Rubelyn, me and Kath.

(12-13) -
The 2-day leadership training workshop @ Mt. Makiling – how refreshing to be there!
(15) – My classmate give me and Kath a white rose.
(17) – RIP lolo
(20) – 25th Silver Anniversary of St. Michael Church as Nat’l Shrine. I served as usherette. I remember that time we are obliged to wear dresses.
(21-22) – Job Fair @ PUP. Time we are starting to find where we could have our OJT.
(26) – HTML 5 Web Camp. Seminar @ Microsoft Philippines. They gave an authorization code for Dreamspark account and free examination authorization code


Microsoft Seminar. Again with more friends.Busy going to different companies, finding where I can have my On-the-job-training.

Thesis 1 Final Defense (Papers).

– Christening of John Lino. My very 1st inaanak.

July </3
(9) CCMIT Acquaintance Party.

August Got to know TFD and I learned a lot. It is the start of me being a leader.

(8) –
TFD Bocaue Bulacan Opening. Present.
(15) – Norton Seminar.
(16) – The Feast Manila. 1st of Kath.
(17) – Software Freedom Day
(22) – Birthday of Jerone. We made a birthday presentation. It’s first time again to have that video. hehe
(23) – 2nd Anniversary of The Filipino Dream. Present!
(25) - Visit to St. Ezequiel Church. First time to be part of visita Iglesia. (27) – Bagyo. And because it’s brownout and there’s nothing to do, we bond by means of me and kuya playing scrabble and by us watching the 3 Idiots.

(5) –
6-9pm Windows7AkoMeetUp. Got to know Windows8DevelopersPreview. I got an IE9 Shirt again! :)
(6) – RIP Steve Jobs.
(22) – CG Head Workshop @ Christ The King Seminary. Just say “yes” to God! You are born leader.
(28) – My father’s birthday.
- Successful agreement with sir Mike. We’ll graduate on time. :)
(31) – Pangangaluluwa of Fiat Serviam Choir. It’s our first time to have that Pangangaluluwa, and we’re creepy. haha

(2) –
Bulacan Escapade. It’s been a long time since I last visit Bulacan. There’s a lot of changes, even people change! Physically. hehe. They’ve all grown up.
(27) – Caritas Livelihood Program @ Sta. Cruz Manila Church
(28) – Technology Fest 2011.
Latter days, busy with TFM and Thesis.

(3) –
PUP Download Fest 2011. Another MSDNAA account. MSDNAA account is given to students like me where I can download licensed softwares for free.
(4) - Caritas Seminar about Job Applications. I learned a lot.
(16) – PUP Feast in the morning.
- Youth Already @ Feast Manila
(23) – First time Night Market @ Divisoria
(24) – Birthday Celebration of Bro. Orly after misa de galo.
(25) – Christmas
- First time @ Luneta in Christmas time.
(26) – Divisoria again w/ my mom.
- We give our gift to Fr. Alex because he’s going back to India.

Haha. It's like I'm busy with my year 2011. And I experienced and learned many new things in this year.
And I'm looking forward for the year 2012. Excited much! :)

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