

Because I don't attend class for today because I was sick, I find a way to make my day a productive day, so I'm here writing what consumed my time today.

     First, I read Daddy Obet's S-P-E-L-L O-U-T Y-O-U-R L-O-V-E, and I am almost done reading it. 3 Chapters left out of 20! I'm so great! Hahaha! I didn't expect that I can read it just like that. And take note, I have taken down notes too. Really great, eh?  Smiley

     Second, is the image below.

The most important decision you can make in 2012 is to put GOD first.
I found the quote while reading Bro. Bo Sanchez' article.
Yes, you guess it right, not only Daddy Obet's SPELL OUT YOUR LOVE book I'd read today, I also read some articles of Bro. Bo..

Just wanted to share it with you.

First post for the year of 2012.

Have a great year!


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