
2nd year anniversary of TFD!

(Ate Pau, Allen, Kevin, Ian, Jem, Justin, Denz, Kuya)
After the event.

Oh yeah!

It was a BLAST! Super AMAZING! And all who witness is sure a WINNER!

I was inspired once more because of that event! If you’re there, you know what I’m talking about. hahahaha!
Thanks TFD!

Happy 2nd year anniversary! And many many many (1million times)more anniversary to come! :)



Happy birthday!

(Credits to Ate Pau's facebook)

Upline Pau's birthday! :)))))

Simple yet meaningful….

We made a tarpaulin for her, a birthday gift. Team PLUS made the effort! And seeing Ate Pau earlier, she liked it! :)

Also I want to share, we watch a video of Ate Pau..but I also remember that video were inclusive for those who attended her birthday celebration, so I am sorry, I can’t share. :P Like what Ate Pau said before watching that video:
What you see,
What you hear,
When you leave,
Leave it hear.
Military instruction. haha! So I will obey, I’ll keep my mouth shut. :D

And after that we’ve watch a movie – Scream 4? Am I right? haha.

And while watching, some eat, chat, drink, scream, eat again, surfing net and sleeping. haha! :D
Another unforgettable day! :)

Happy birthday again to Ate Pauline Mae! May God bless you more and more and more and even more! haha! :D

GOD bless!

Good night! >”,<




Yes! Finally! I made a confession this day.

If you will read my post on my tumblr, you will know what my problem was or what my heart been experiencing through.

It’s been 3 weeks? Or a month? Since I got confused, depressed and really got angry. Yes I really got angry to this person that I once refer as my friend. Sigh. If you will only know how feel down I was.

And the past 3 weeks, guess what, the gospel and the homily of Father Alex, where I was attending the holy mass, the topic is Forgiving. Yes, I know, God is talking to me. And not just, the daily soulfood article of Bro. Bo. Sanchez, the topic is also forgiving! Awesome! Amazing! God really wants me to forgive her, God really wants me to be out of the jail that I’ve been experiencing through. ‘Cause the more I keep my hatred in my heart, the more it will destroy me.

And on this day, Sunday, September 8, 2011, me and my choirmate Maricar, confess.

We make confession after 6pm mass. And when I start confessing, tears fell down on my face, like a flowing river, I can’t control myself, it just burst out. And in that time I really surrender it all to Him. Oh Lord, forgive me for I have sinned and what I confess, promise, I will really forgive! ‘Cause I know in the first place, I don’t have the privilege to not forgive, cause on how merciful You was in me, in us, I am really nothing…

But now, thank you for enlightening me.

I feel relieved! I feel purified! And I am really at peace now!

Thank you Lord GOD! ^_^



Thank GOD it’s FRIDAY! It’s the Feast Manila day!

It’s been 2 or 3 weeks since I last attended the Feast Manila, and I really missed it! Grabe.

And I don’t know, I can’t explain. Urgh! Four words - I am SUPER HAPPY! :)))

The feast Manila is really the happiest place in the world! Grabe lungs. It really made my day!
- I love worshipping God.
- I love dancing.
- I love hugging people, I love approaching them, though some I didn’t personally know, but when you’re in Feast manila, you are one family!
- I love singing.
- I love the homily of Father (I forget the name, but his the Father on St. Jude every 8pm). Grabe. He made me cry that day! hahaha!

I love Daddy Obet Cabrillas!
I love my Ka-Akti-FEASTas!
I love my choirmates!

Here are some of our pictures!

(From left: Kath, Rachel, Ate STef, Daddy O., ate, ate, Jem, Maricar)

(With the worship leader for this Friday - the guy in red)
(From Left: Mariah, Jem, Kath, Joel)


A productive day.

September 15, 2011.

We have a class from 11:30am to 06:00pm.
3 subjects :
-Mobile Applications Development

And if my subject classes was the basis on my day it was counterpart of my title of this post. haha.
Cause what we do on Mobile Applications Dev’t is just none. Kidding. Sir announced our final project on his subject. And that’s it.

We have no class on Humanities.

Also in HEKAPI.


I just waste my allowance. hahaha.

But the unproductive day turns out to be productive! :)

- We attended the CG on PUP Feast.
My soul has nourished with the peace and word of God. Thanks for those I am with.

- We attended the Norton Inner Circle 2012 launch.
Yeah! And my brain was educated by the new technology NIC presents!

Thanks for this day. Specially the for Lady Kathrine Rose Bulabos, the girl am with the whole day! :)))))

Norton Inner Circle

(Credits this picture to NIC fan page)

(For this picture, credits to Mr. Jayson Lucto)

The 2012 Launch of Norton by Symantec!

Wow! It’s just wow!

It’s my first time attending that event, I’m not a member, and my classmate Lady Kathrine Rose is the one who invited me, thanks to her!

I like the place, the food, the games, the speakers of this event and the freebies!

Talking to freebies, got disappointed cause I don’t get one. But there are next times so better luck next time!

The experienced was a blast! I got educated by how millions experienced cybercrimes, and also the different anti virus that can protect your pc and not only the pc’s, also the mobile phones you have. And from the statistics stated on this event, the best antivirus is – Norton. haha! I got excited by the new features of Norton antivirus and how will it protect your personal information or privacy’s in your gadgets. It’s just wow! Amazing!

But the truth is I don’t use Norton, haha, but after this event, I want one! And as far as I remember, they will be giving free Norton anti-virus. :) Am I right? haha. If no, I will find ways. Haha.

By the way, thanks for the Norton freebies. :)

Notebook. Mobile Security. Ballpen.

My nametag on the event.

Norton taglines:
Protecting Stuff that matters.

You can be a SUPERHERO!

It’s my 2nd time attending CG (Caring Group) in PUP Feast! And I was even blessed once more!
And before we start of course we pray, then introduce ourselves and when we are introducing ourselves, there’s a twist, we will also tell our favourite cartoon character. 
So Kuya Joel – Doraemon, Michael – Doraemon, Sheila – Spongebob, Ann – konan, Jem – Sailormoon, and Kath – Naruto.

Our CG topic for today is about heroes.

But before the topic was made, Kuya Joel, the president of PUP Feast, tell us a story, about the miraculous Lady of Fatima. :)

And back to the topic. We share different real superheroes like Lastikman, Darna, and Captain Barbel. And what we do that is we must tell why they’re the one we choose. And most of the answers were ofcourse, it’s a Pinoy superhero, and like them or like every real superhero do, they help people who are in need, they set aside their own life for others.

And in that, Kuya Joel ask us if there’s a moment that we become a hero?

Of course, the answer is yes.

And after hearing their sharings, I was amazed! Cause they’re not only heroes, their superheroes
But what I’m trying to say here is even though we don’t have that super powers, we can also be a hero by just simple acts.

Like Kuya Michael had said
“ There’s no Little acts cause in God it’s a lot. ” :)
And I know, like us, there’s a time that you also encounter that simple act to help others or you set aside your own for others sake. 

I know, you have experienced that. :)

And to end this, I hope we will continue to be a superhero. Yes, you can be a SUPERHERO! :) Cause every little good acts counts. And remember, what you do to others is what you do with God too. :)

I am blessed, enlightened. GOD bless us all! ^_^

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