
Happy birthday!

(Credits to Ate Pau's facebook)

Upline Pau's birthday! :)))))

Simple yet meaningful….

We made a tarpaulin for her, a birthday gift. Team PLUS made the effort! And seeing Ate Pau earlier, she liked it! :)

Also I want to share, we watch a video of Ate Pau..but I also remember that video were inclusive for those who attended her birthday celebration, so I am sorry, I can’t share. :P Like what Ate Pau said before watching that video:
What you see,
What you hear,
When you leave,
Leave it hear.
Military instruction. haha! So I will obey, I’ll keep my mouth shut. :D

And after that we’ve watch a movie – Scream 4? Am I right? haha.

And while watching, some eat, chat, drink, scream, eat again, surfing net and sleeping. haha! :D
Another unforgettable day! :)

Happy birthday again to Ate Pauline Mae! May God bless you more and more and more and even more! haha! :D

GOD bless!

Good night! >”,<


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