
You can be a SUPERHERO!

It’s my 2nd time attending CG (Caring Group) in PUP Feast! And I was even blessed once more!
And before we start of course we pray, then introduce ourselves and when we are introducing ourselves, there’s a twist, we will also tell our favourite cartoon character. 
So Kuya Joel – Doraemon, Michael – Doraemon, Sheila – Spongebob, Ann – konan, Jem – Sailormoon, and Kath – Naruto.

Our CG topic for today is about heroes.

But before the topic was made, Kuya Joel, the president of PUP Feast, tell us a story, about the miraculous Lady of Fatima. :)

And back to the topic. We share different real superheroes like Lastikman, Darna, and Captain Barbel. And what we do that is we must tell why they’re the one we choose. And most of the answers were ofcourse, it’s a Pinoy superhero, and like them or like every real superhero do, they help people who are in need, they set aside their own life for others.

And in that, Kuya Joel ask us if there’s a moment that we become a hero?

Of course, the answer is yes.

And after hearing their sharings, I was amazed! Cause they’re not only heroes, their superheroes
But what I’m trying to say here is even though we don’t have that super powers, we can also be a hero by just simple acts.

Like Kuya Michael had said
“ There’s no Little acts cause in God it’s a lot. ” :)
And I know, like us, there’s a time that you also encounter that simple act to help others or you set aside your own for others sake. 

I know, you have experienced that. :)

And to end this, I hope we will continue to be a superhero. Yes, you can be a SUPERHERO! :) Cause every little good acts counts. And remember, what you do to others is what you do with God too. :)

I am blessed, enlightened. GOD bless us all! ^_^

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